Quince Photography Cruz Building

Miami Quinceanera Photographer- Samaria Martin loves turning a photo shoot session into a unique and fun experience, which hopefully you will never forget! Miami Quinceanera Photographer- Samaria Martin loves turning a photo shoot session into a unique and fun experience, which hopefully you will never forget! Miami Quinceanera Photographer- Samaria Martin loves turning a photo shoot session into a unique and fun experience, which hopefully you will never forget! Miami Quinceanera Photographer- Samaria Martin loves turning a photo shoot session into a unique and fun experience, which hopefully you will never forget! Miami Quinceanera Photographer- Samaria Martin loves turning a photo shoot session into a unique and fun experience, which hopefully you will never forget! Miami Quinceanera Photographer- Samaria Martin loves turning a photo shoot session into a unique and fun experience, which hopefully you will never forget! Miami Quinceanera Photographer- Samaria Martin loves turning a photo shoot session into a unique and fun experience, which hopefully you will never forget! Miami Quinceanera Photographer- Samaria Martin loves turning a photo shoot session into a unique and fun experience, which hopefully you will never forget! Miami Quinceanera Photographer- Samaria Martin loves turning a photo shoot session into a unique and fun experience, which hopefully you will never forget! Miami Quinceanera Photographer- Samaria Martin loves turning a photo shoot session into a unique and fun experience, which hopefully you will never forget!

Look Natural. The poses need to be natural looking, if the quinceañera tries too hard, the results won’t be that great.Relax. Everyone has something they can do that helps them relax, it may be doing some exercise, or watching a favorite movie. Whatever helps you relax, do it before the shoot! The more relaxed you are, the more beautiful you will look.Hands and arms are important. Learn how to place your hands and arms when posing. Remember that you are a princess, and your expressions should show it! A good tip for this is to look at videos on Youtube of Ballet Dancers, looks at how they move their arms/hands to get ideas. Search online for pictures of profesional models and pay attention to how they position their hands.Practice smiling in front of the mirror. A common problem is when a quinceañera tries to smile too much – it can look unnatural. So be sure to practice beforehand. Think of something funny if you find it hard to pull a smile.  These simple tips were brought to you by Samaria Martin, Miami’s top quinceañera photographer. For inquiries call: 786-972-0421.quinceañera:Busca un “look” natural. Las poses deben de ser naturales, si te esfuerzas demasiado, no se va a ver natural.Hay que ir relajada. Todos tenemos alguna actividad que nos ayuda a relajarnos, ya sea hacer ejercicio or ver nuestra película favorita. Trata depracticar una actividad que te ayude a relajarte antes del shoot! Mientras más relajada estés para el shoot, más hermosa te verás.Es importante el posicionamiento de tus brazos y manos. Aprende cómo posicionar tus brazos y manos cuando estés posando. Recuerda que eres una princesa, y tus expresiones lo deben demostrar! Un buen tip es ver videos en Youtube de bailarinas de ballet, pon atención en como mueven sus manos y brazos – esto te dará ideas. También puedes buscar fotos en el internet de modelos profesionales posando y pon atención en como posicionan sus manos.Sonríe enfrente del espejo.  Un problema común es cuando la quinceañera trata de sonreír demasiado – esto se puede ver un poco artificial. Es importante que practiques de antemano. Si se te hace difícil sonreír, piensa en algo cómico.Estos simples tips te los recomienda Samaria Martin, la fotógrafa de quinceañeras más reconocida en Miami. Si tienes más preguntas comunícate al: 786-972-0421.

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